Private Access Namibia
Beat the rush-hour blues with this personalised Namib Desert itinerary exploring the wildest corners of the world’s oldest desert. Here, a kaleidoscope of colours, combined with desert-adapted fauna and flora, produce unrivalled photographic opportunities.
With just two people per square kilometre, Namibia is one of the least densely-populated countries in the world – making it the ideal destination for the jaded city-dweller.

Nights 1 - 2 Sossusvlei, Namibia
You are met in Windhoek and transferred to a schedualed charter flight departing for Sossusvlei's Geluk Airstrip. From here a veicle drives you to Little Kulala, a luxurious desert retreat situated in a private 27 000 hectare (67 000 acre) Kulala Wilderness Reserve, the gateway to Namibia's Sand Sea and its towering dunes and dndless star studded skies.
Many specialist dune fauna and seen here, from endemic dune lark to endearin Cape foxes. As the day warms, the likes of tenegrionid beetles and shovel-snouted lizards come out to forage. Nutritious seasonal grasses transferm the Kulala Wilderness Reserve and attact concentrations of desert-adapted hernivores like oryx and springbok into the open plains in summer. Various predators follow the concertrations, even cheetah have been seen on occasion.

Nights 3 - 5 Skeleton Coast, Namibia
After two schedualed charter flights you arrive at Hoanib Skeleton Coast. The camp has seven large tents and one family unit, each comprising stylish en-suite bedrooms with shaded outdoor decks. Flanked to the east and west by rugged hills, the camp looks out over ttunning, starkly beautiful scenery and offers guests al the luxuries and amenities for an unforgettalbe stay.
The camp is scenically located in a broad vally at the confluence of two tributaries of the dry Hoanib River in the northern part of the private Palmway Concession. Its location staddles Palmway and the iconic Skeleton Coast National Park in one of hte most remote area of Kaokoveld. Uninterrupted vistas across 'fairy circle'-covered plains, ancient vallys, rugged peaks and desolate coastlines make for a fascenating journey to the coast, where the likeihood of encountering any other travellers is slim to non-existent.

Nights 6 - 7 Kaokoland, Namibia
Fly by light aircraft to the vast Marienfluss Conservancy in the extreme north of Namibia for a three night stay at Serra Cafema. The camp is poised along the lush banks of the Kunene River, a verdant band of green surrouded by the otherworldy moonscape of the Namib Desert and the Cafema mountain range across to the north.
The Kunene Region is one of hte harshest and most isolated environments onthe plant, with endless unpopulated vistas across stark plains, ancient valleys and rugged peaks ending at the desolate shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The Kunene River is the only permanent source of water in this region, the river creating an oasis along its banks. Cultural excursions are facinating year round and respectful interation with the nomadic Himba reveals a people seemingly living on the edge of time. Boating takes in birding specials such as Madagascar bee-eaters and goliath herons reptiles like gargantuan Nile crocodiles and the contracting landscapes of the languid river, imposing mountains and towering dunes.
A three hour Wilderness Air flight returns you to Windhoek for your onward travel arrangements.

What's Included
All meals
Twice daily scheduled camp activities
Park fees
Namibian VAT & Tourism Levy
Local drinks
All transfers between camps